The Application of the Magnetic Separation Method

7/7/2015 1:34:07 AM Inquiry Online

The magnetic separation is the main method to process iron ore. The common iron ores are magnetite ore, a kind of ore of high magnetic property, hematite, belonging to the ore of low magnetic property, and other ore of very low magnetic property, and so on. They are the raw materials of the iron and steel. The grade of the iron ore is too low in our country. And the impurity content of them is too high. Therefore, more than 80% of the iron ore in our country need to be processed by the magnetic separation method.

The manganese ore also has low magnetic property. It is often recycled by the magnetic separation method. There are some other ore of low magnetic property like titanium iron ore. They are often recycled by the magnetic separation method, either.

The examples mentioned above are to recycle the magnetic ore, which means that the magnetic ore is regarded as the concentrates or the required ore. However, in the non-metal ore processing line, iron and titanium are regarded as the useless components. In general, they should be removed by the magnetic separation method. For example, by this method, iron and titanium are removed from some ore, such as kaolin, quartz, feldspar, and so on.

In the ore crushing process, if there are some iron work coming into the crushing cavity of the fine crusher, the crusher may be damaged. Thus, the magnetic separation method is often adopted to remove the iron work from the material.

In the dispose of the three wastes in industrial production, including the waste gas, water, and industrial residue, there are some useful components of them, which can be used comprehensively, in order to protect the environment. Thus, the magnetic separation can be used in the recycling of slag from the steelworks, in processing the coal ash from the power plants, and in processing the waste water from the steel plants, and so on.

The magnetic fluid separation method is a new magnetic separation process, which can separate the matters of different densities. In America, Japan, and other countries, the magnetic fluid separation method is adopted to process cars’ wastes. In China, it is mainly used in the diamond processing line.