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Vibrating Feeder

Vibrating feeder is the necessary auxiliary equipment in stone crushing plant, sand making plant and ore beneficiation plant. It is used to process stone, sand, rock, granite, aggregate, iron ore, gold ore, etc in mining, quarry, construction, road, and other industries.

Vibrating Feeder

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Hot Issues of Vibrating Feeder

Application of Vibrating Feeder

With the unique structure and wide throughput range, vibrating feeder is the important auxiliary equipment in mining, quarry, construction, and other fields.

Stones granite, aggregate, quartz, gravel, pebble, ballast, etc
Ores gold ore, iron ore, copper ore, etc

Types of Vibrating Feeder

The vibrating feeder produced by our company includes the following series: GZD series vibrating screen and HSF series vibrating screen. HSF series vibrating feeder is the upgraded product by introducing advanced technology.

Price of Vibrating Feeder

About vibrating feeder price, it is up to the specific type and model. All of our vibrating feeders are factory-directly sold at factory price, no between-er, saving costs.

Technical Parameters

Model Max.
GZD-650×2300 300 80-100
GZD-750×2500 350 100-130
GZD-850×3000 400 120-150
GZD-1000×3600 500 150-200
GZD-1100×3600 580 240-300
GZD-1300×3600 650 450-600
GZD-1500×3600 1050 450-1000
GZD-2000×3600 1200 550-1000
GZD-2500×5000 1500 650-1500
ZSW-380×95 500 100-180
ZSW-490×110 630 150-400
ZSW-490×130 750 400-700
ZSW-600×130 750 400-700
ZSW-600×150 800 500-900
ZSW-600×180 800 700-1300
ZSW-600×200 1200 800-1500

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